BJJ training is made up of 3 main parts, warm-up, drilling and sparring. It is time to break down the concept of drilling in Jiu-Jitsu, why it matters and how to do it. Let's go! What Is BJJ...
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Do you have dreams of wrestling in college or are you just curious how good these athletes really are? Then you are in luck! We are going to perform a deep dive into the difficulty and the skill...
Arm wrestlers are known for being insanely strong. How did they develop this strength or was it just gifted to them? We are going to do a deep dive into arm wrestling strength. Why are arm...
If you have watched professional arm wrestlers compete you will notice many have enormous hands. Did they develop these giant hands through training or were they a gift from God? Let's find...
While obviously arm wrestling recruits muscles in the arm such as Biceps, Triceps and Forearm. However, are they most important? What are the main muscles used in arm...
Since the dawn of time humans have been coming up with different competitions to determine who is the strongest. From MMA, wrestling, boxing, weightlifting to strongman all of these sports claim...