What Is DefensiveBJJ?
DefensiveBJJ is an online Jiu Jitsu learning platform and the brainchild of Estonian black belt Priit Mihkelson. Mikhelson has developed a cult like following amongst BJJ practitioners for his concept based teaching style and his advancements in defensive technique (hence the name).
DefensiveBJJ is subscription based and for a monthly fee you get full access to the site’s extensive video library. At $14.99 a month with the option to cancel whenever it really is good value. You can easily pay for a month or two and absorb enough information to last you months and then come back to the site when you need new concepts to explore.
How Is DefensiveBJJ’s Website Design And Functionality

DefensiveBJJ is a sleek, nicely designed website. It is highly responsive and also mobile compatible. I was impressed with the quality of the video playback function. Compared to other similar BJJ training sites the player is fast and easy to use. I have had issues with video quality, loading times and lag when using other sites. Fortunately, everything at DefensiveBJJ works well (I also liked the ability to favourite certain videos and save timestamps).
I found the layout of the site to be well thought out and easy to move around. Everything is organised into easily navigable sub menus. The videos are split into different categories and there is also a nicely designed members forum and section for sparring analysis.
The signup process was super simple. It took less than a minute and you can just plug in your paypal or credit card and get access right away.
What Is Priit Mikhelson’s Teaching Methodology?

The site is focused almost exclusively on defence. If you are looking to turn yourself into a submission hunting wizard then you should look for other resources. However, if you want to make yourself unsubmittable and give higher belts fits when they can’t come close to making you tap then you absolutely need to sign up to DefensiveBJJ.
Priit is a master of explaining defensive concepts. He will show you the fundamentals of defensive BJJ and show you what explicitly not to do. By implementing just a few of Priit’s tips you will be shocked at how much harder it is for people to submit you.
DefensiveBJJ breaks down specific BJJ defense from all positions in great detail. For example you will be shown how to establish an unbreakable turtle where to put hands, head, what type of posture you require and how to deal with hooks, ect.
DefensiveBJJ isn’t about stalling or boring BJJ. The concepts are focused ensuring you become comfortable in all the positions of BJJ, which will then allow you to develop an attacking counter game where you will be able to catch your opponent off guard and score submissions.
The great thing about the videos is that each one is focused on a specific position, which makes it easy to digest and implement on the mats.
How Is DefensiveBJJ Different To Other Sites?

One of the key selling points of Priit Mihkelson’s new site is the ability to have the master himself watch and decode your personal parring film. You can upload your sparring footage in the members only section of the website and Priit will analyse and give you tips for no extra fee. This may change in the future as the site grows but for now you can take advantage of this great value!
Another cool feature of the site is the optional homework assignment. Every month members will receive an email where they will be instructed to film a specific technique and upload it to site. Priit will give you in-depth criticism to help you develop your BJJ game to its full potential. I am not sure of any BJJ training website currently offering such a great feature.
Does DefensiveBJJ Have Enough Content?

As the site is new the amount of footage can not compare to other sites which have been around for years. However, there is still more than enough footage to keep you engaged for 6 + months at least. The site will continue to add footage, so lack of content will definitely not be an issue if you decide to sign up to DefensiveBJJ today.
A decompressed video library is actually beneficial as many sites to fill content start adding less and less quality videos. You can end up wasting hours sorting through videos and watching sub par content.
Currently, on DefensiveBJJ all of the content is absolute A quality and will absolutely help you quickly improve your defensive skills.
Is DefensiveBJJ Worth It?

I think DefensiveBJJ is definitely worth the price. For only $14.99 per month with ability to cancel your membership whenever you get access to premium content from an innovative world class BJJ coach who for no extra charge will review your technique and sparring footage.
Defence skills are yet to be fully explored in BJJ and Priit is an early pioneer in this area of BJJ. By learning directly from a master you will easily be able to ramp up your defensive skills and take great joy in your training partners struggling to submit you.
The vast majority of the material on DefensiveBJJ can not be sourced from other locations. This is premium original content which you won’t find anywhere else.
If we look at comparable resources such as BJJFanatics where an on sale DVD will set you back $38.50 I think you are much better off signing up to DefensiveBJJ for 1 month and devouring some videos. Not only is the content better than most BJJFanatic DVDS but you will be saving $23.50.
You also get the benefit of free sparring analysis. I don’t even want to think what someone like Gordon Ryan would charge for that service!
Check out defensivebjj and let us know what you think!